O`connors resort cotages, Lake George, NY, Karavan travel

Experience with agency Karavan Travel was negative.
Were quite rude , and on the way back from America at the airport in NY informed me that I'm not on the list for years , and that it was my fault agency that bought me a ticket, so I was forced to buy a new ticket which cost over 700 $ 13 , or to wait for days at the airport until their flight ... Later, I make up for the money after returning to Serbia, but still not quite responsibly ...

Experience with location Lake George, NY was positive.
A small tourist town , a lot of students , nightlife is not exactly something a turbulent but there is nowhere to get out ... It is possible to find another job without problems, near the Niagara Falls , NYC, Boston ...

Experience with employer O' Connors resort was positive.
Common tasks in the maintenance of a small tourist resort , colleagues and employers are wonderful people , they have a lot of respect for the people of Serbia , and are reasonable according to any requirements in terms of days and the like . Accommodation is ok , the only problem is that it is 3 km away from the village and is the transport of bicycles or Trolly that runs every 20 minutes

This review represents personal opinion of Milan Bralovic who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2013 with agency Karavan Travel, working at O' Connors resort in Lake George, NY.

Jul 28, 2016