Sunset Gril, Ocean City, Maryland, United Work and Travel

Experience with agency United Work & Travel was positive.
The specific person who has advocated from Serbia , Milan Rajnović , would really have praised i say how the man tried. Do women in America I was not close to my heart.

Experience with location Ocean City, MD was positive.
Iskreno nisam imala toliko vremena da izlazim, i svodilo se na kućne varijante ili restoran u kome smo i radili jer je imao super živu svirku. Mada ono malo što smo izlazili bilo je kul, ima par lepih plažnih barova sa interesantnim sadržajem tako da ima gde da se izađe i to za male pare. Ima dosta opacija za drugi posao.

Experience with employer Sunset Grille LLC was positive.
Hours : 8 Number of hours per week : 50/60 Average tip 8 $ / h The people with whom I worked were ok , atmosphere was ok , but should take into account that I was one of only a few girls in the kitchen and just looked after us :) Many men are not satisfied , and for me this job was enjoy.

This review represents personal opinion of Tijana Petrović who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2013 with agency United Work & Travel, working at Sunset Grille LLC in Ocean City, MD.

Aug 5, 2016