Kebek2 motel, Old Orchard Beach, Maine, Experience

Iskustvo sa agencijom Experience je bilo pozitivno.
For myself always want the best ( not to understand too egotistically '' Who is not for ourselves , he is not for others '') !!! That's why I chose Experience and did not repent because they are truly professional , dedicated , patient ... all positive SHOULD ! They are third time my agents .

Iskustvo sa lokacijom Old Orchard Beach, Maine je bilo pozitivno.
OOB is a place I will remember by really great people . As for the jobs I had as many as three ( housekeeping , cashier, hostess ) I really enjoyed doing the same . Permanent communication with people , every day speak for itself ... In free time chilling on the beach ... As for night life , since Maine is one of the more conservative places in America , nightclub worked until 1am , but why would this be a problem when there is a good organization house parties. And I think that the primary goal is to be relaxing and hardwork so that in fourth month you could enjoy in your previous work. Overall wherever you went , it depends on you, everything from your resourcefulness , endurance , communication ... Precious experience , where you will get to know yourself! Happy to all!!!

Iskustvo sa poslodavcem Kebek2 je bilo pozitivno.
Wage per hour: 10 Number of hours per week : 32 Average tip (weekly ) : $ 100 Opening hours : 7 on weekend mornings 8 am -2pm Weekdays 9 am- 1pm Job Description: Maintenance room for what you do not need a lot of thinking, the ideal job to start the day when you do not talk much ...

Ovo iskustvo predstavlja subjektivno misljenje korisnika Jovana Lekovic koji je bio ucesnik Work & Travel programa godine 2015. preko agencije Experience, posao kod poslodavca Kebek2 u Old Orchard Beach, Maine.

Aug 2, 2016