Community pool service, Falls Church, Virginia, Experience

Experience with agency Experience was positive.
All the best about the agency . They done all for me . Recommendation .

Experience with location Falls Church, VA was neutral.
Nice city . I put a neutral experience with finding another job because I did not ask . But I heard from acquaintances who also were there to be easy to find another job .

Experience with employer Community Pools Service Inc. was positive.
Sessions: $ 8 Number of hours per week : 50 Average tip : no tip , overtime- $ 12 Lifeguard at the pool . Hehe , you can imagine how difficult it was to me : D Chilling every day , I did not work a second job , there was no need because I worked a lot of hours a week here .

This review represents personal opinion of Uros Kuzmanov who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2013 with agency Experience, working at Community Pools Service Inc. in Falls Church, VA.

Jul 31, 2016