Robertos Italian Ice, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, WAT Montenegro

Iskustvo sa agencijom WAT Montenegro je bilo pozitivno.
All praise for the agency , kind, above all friendly , really praise.

Iskustvo sa lokacijom Myrtle Beach, SC je bilo pozitivno.
Beautiful tourist town with many attractions , beautiful beaches, and for lovers of nightlife , Myrtle Beach is the real thing ! :) As for the other work , it is really easy to find, it is enough to walk a little , you enter a few restaurants ( boutiques , hotels or where you already want to do ) ask them if they need a worker , and if so ( always needed ! ) you got the job ! :)

Iskustvo sa poslodavcem Roberto Italian Ices je bilo pozitivno.
Hours : 7.25 Number of hours per week : 80 Very interesting job, never boring , meeting interesting people , very good earnings.

Ovo iskustvo predstavlja subjektivno misljenje korisnika Teodora Igumnović koji je bio ucesnik Work & Travel programa godine 2014. preko agencije WAT Montenegro, posao kod poslodavca Roberto Italian Ices u Myrtle Beach, SC.

Aug 13, 2016