Red oak buffet, Wildwood, NJ, Viking

Iskustvo sa agencijom Viking travel je bilo pozitivno.
They were friendly and ready to answer on all my questions before I came to America. During summer I didin't have any problems so our communication was rare.

Iskustvo sa lokacijom Wildwood, NJ je bilo pozitivno.
Small and safe city, a lot of people from Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia. It was easy to find a second job.

Iskustvo sa poslodavcem Red oak buffet je bilo neutralno.
We (my friend and I) were supposed to start work on June, 15 but we didn't. Employer said it's not busy so we were waiting around one week for him to call us.

Ovo iskustvo predstavlja subjektivno misljenje korisnika Ana koji je bio ucesnik Work & Travel programa godine 2015. preko agencije Viking travel, posao kod poslodavca Red oak buffet u Wildwood, NJ.

Jun 22, 2017