Rattlesnake island club , Rattlesnake island, Ohio , American Adventure

Iskustvo sa agencijom American Adventure je bilo pozitivno.
Very satisfied with the cooperation with the agency, I have always received all the information on time from courteous and service lady. Each of praise and of course I'll stay faithful to them for the following year .

Iskustvo sa lokacijom Rattlesnake island, Ohio je bilo neutralno.
On the island can be done several jobs but with a schedule in the season sometimes after more than 14 hours a day .

Iskustvo sa poslodavcem Rattlesnake Island Club je bilo pozitivno.
Hours : indefinitely Number of hours per week : 80 Average tip : up to 250 a week The work was interesting , we changed positions and still be able to learn something new . In July and August we all had a lot of hours because of the crowds and high traffic .

Ovo iskustvo predstavlja subjektivno misljenje korisnika Milena Niciforovic koji je bio ucesnik Work & Travel programa godine 2014. preko agencije American Adventure, posao kod poslodavca Rattlesnake Island Club u Rattlesnake island, Ohio.

Aug 5, 2016