O’connors resort cottages , Lake George , NY, Ccusa

Iskustvo sa agencijom CCUSA je bilo negativno.
Very disorganized and do not offer any help if you have a problem there, and threatening the permanent repeal of visas.

Iskustvo sa lokacijom Lake George, NY je bilo pozitivno.
Nice place, good for rest, just a little bit away from everything and there are no much activities and clubs.

Iskustvo sa poslodavcem O' Connors resort je bilo pozitivno.
They are fair, paid on time and very good accommodation with lots of room for all of us who lived there. The job is not too strenuous, but the boss expects everything to be perfectly clear, what we are is often maddening, but everything else was ok correctly :)

Ovo iskustvo predstavlja subjektivno misljenje korisnika Tea koji je bio ucesnik Work & Travel programa godine 2016. preko agencije CCUSA, posao kod poslodavca O' Connors resort u Lake George, NY.

Dec 22, 2016