Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club, Brewster, MA, Usit Colours

Iskustvo sa agencijom Usit Colours je bilo pozitivno.
Really helpfull staff. They try to explain everything in detail and answer all the questions that students have.

Iskustvo sa lokacijom Brewster, MA je bilo neutralno.
The city is small and it is difficult to find housing. Its a quiet place. Sometimes it may be difficult to find second job in Brewster so a lot of people work also in Orleans.

Iskustvo sa poslodavcem Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club je bilo pozitivno.
Most of the employees are really friendly, the resort is nice. Sometimes they are slow with sending job offers.

Ovo iskustvo predstavlja subjektivno misljenje korisnika Natali Raduycheva koji je bio ucesnik Work & Travel programa godine 2016. preko agencije Usit Colours, posao kod poslodavca Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club u Brewster, MA.

Feb 28, 2017