Margaritaville Jimmy’s buffet, Myrtle Beach, NC, Cool Travel

Iskustvo sa agencijom Cool Travel je bilo pozitivno.
The staff is very friendly, they always reply in a timely manner and overall they provide proper service.

Iskustvo sa lokacijom Myrtle Beach, SC je bilo pozitivno.
A resort location with intense summer and many opportunities for a second job.

Iskustvo sa poslodavcem Margaritaville Jimmy’s buffet je bilo pozitivno.
$9/hour (prep cook, dishwasher), $10(line cook, busser), 40 hours a week, paycheck every week, friendly team, a staff of roughly 150 people for the entire restaurant, lunch during the shift or for takeout. Before you start working there you need to buy black loose trousers and non slip shoes.

Ovo iskustvo predstavlja subjektivno misljenje korisnika Мариела Григорова koji je bio ucesnik Work & Travel programa godine 2016. preko agencije Cool Travel, posao kod poslodavca Margaritaville Jimmy’s buffet u Myrtle Beach, SC.

Jul 10, 2017