I stayed in Wisconsin Dells, it was brilliant, a combination of a tranquil area surrounded by nature and a population formed by the summer student determinant come to work. And a population that is determined by students coming in to work and have fun as much as possible :)
- Pozitivno
- ionut haluta
- Celo iskustvo
WISCONSIN DELLS is a very quiet town, some say it's a bit boring. I really loved it, there are plenty of beautiful places to visit. It is located near Chicago and Mineapolis, big cities worth seeing.
- Pozitivno
- Codrut Cosin Cirligeanu
- Celo iskustvo
Noah’s Ark waterpark, Wisconsin Dells, WI, Ideas
8 years agoLokacija je jako loša za zaradu, ukoliko ne želiš da se cimaš i da se snalaziš. Posao u akva parkovima je placen 8 do 8,5$ ali ti ne daju bas mnogo sati za rad. Ja sam zbog toga napustio taj posao i prešao u restoran i fabriku namještaja. Što se tiče zabave, ima jako puno studenata i mnogo turista, tako da ima dosta zezanja, alkoholisanja i svega ostalog što ide uz to. Satnice su generalo jako niske u cijelom Wisconsin Dellsu, ali mogu se naci po nekim restoranima satnice od 10 ili 11$. Druga smjena pocinje otprilike oko 4 ili 5.
- Neutralno
- Vlatko
- Celo iskustvo
Mt Olympus, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, Ayusa
8 years agoWisconsin Dells je malo mesto sa 2 800 ljudi sa puno akva parkova i restorana i uz malo srece drugog posla mozete naci. Satnice ne prelaze 10$ a najbolji restorani su u Lake Deltonu gde ce i verovatno biti vas smestaj tokom boravka tamo. Pizza Pub i B-Lux su 2 restorana koji drzi Makedonac Elvis. Treci restoran Sprechers, nalazi se preko puta smestaja Hiawatha koji drzi Amerikanac i u ova tri restorana je tips dobar, za ostale ne znam. U toj ulici gde su ova 3 restorana, nalaze se i mnogi drugi za koje ne znam ni ko drzi ni koliko placaju. Sto se tice downtowna, koji je daleko od Hiawathe, nije nista posebno, dosta suvenir shopova,restorana i diskoteka i tu posla ima ako se ugrabi pre 10. Juna. Amerikanaca ima uglavnom starijih, uz puno studenata iz Turske, Rumunije, Ukrajine i sa Jamajke. U gradu ima jedan otulet, Walmart, Home Depot i svi su daleko i od smestaja i od downtowna. Taksi je za sve studente 7$ bilo gde, u sklopu grada (Lake Delton, Wisconsin Dells). Pored ta dva grada se nalaze dosta jezera i nacionalnih parkova sa lepom prirodom. Cikago je na 3,5h kolima, Milvoki 1,5.
- Neutralno
- Luka
- Celo iskustvo
Zabavno je mesto, ima svakakvih zanimljivosti i atrakcija. Ko hoce da radi, moze bez problema da nadje posao. Definitivno bih se vratila tamo.
- Pozitivno
- Biljana
- Celo iskustvo
Mt Olympus, Wisconsin dells, WI, AYUSA
8 years agoThe place is very nice , a small tourist town with a little more than 2,000 inhabitants , however, was full of flies . A lot J1 students, Mexicans , Chinese, Bulgarians and Indians . Experience with the additional work by finding the positive , I could not choose between a few errands , then the workforce has to be , especially if you come early. Season begins after the 4th of July. Lots of nature , very nice home ( when you have a free day ) has a lot of sports courts ( basketball , tennis, football ) . I worked a second job at a small restaurant and the owner was great . She was very kind to all employees . I'm so lucky eye extra work. The restaurant is called the Texas Brisket BBQ Shack . The food is excellent , as employed 're getting free food and drink. Also uniform on this job I was free .
- Pozitivno
- Tamara Krstic
- Celo iskustvo
Mesto je turisticko, lepo, sa dosta zanimljivih atrakcija, vodenih parkova. Mesto ima reku i jezero i priroda je prelepa. U blizini je i plaza na kojoj se ljudi kupaju, organizuju se i voznje brodom po reci, ima puno lepih restorana sa ukusnom hranom. Mogucnost nalazenja drugog posla je velika, posebno pocetkom sezone. Mestani su prijatni, a uglavnom su turisti u gradu tako da je atmosfera pozitivna. Klima je prijatna , nema paklenih vrucina, barem nije bilo te godine.
- Pozitivno
- Tijana Jovin
- Celo iskustvo
I found 4 additional jobs, it is easy to find ; )
- Pozitivno
- Djordje Milojevic
- Celo iskustvo
Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI, GPA
8 years agoWisconsin Dells je predivan turistički gradić, koji se nalazi 4 sata vožnje vozom ili bus-om severno od Chicago-a. Priroda je predivna, sa puno jezera, divnom rekom i puno zelenila. Prostire se na velikoj površini, sa puno rezervata, otvorenih i zatvorenih aqua prkova, kao i zabavnih parkova, restorana. Što samim tim postoji velika mogućnost da nađete još dodatnih poslova. Sezona počinje od 15 Maja i traje do 01 Septembra. Moja preporuka je da počnete od 01 Juna do 01 Septembra.
- Pozitivno
- Dušan
- Celo iskustvo
Mount Olympus, Wisconsin Dells,Wisconsin, AYUSA
8 years agoThe possibility of finding additional work is .. Well they know the city is full of Bulgarians and Jamaican biting and seeking jobs as they do not have bread to eat, so the competition is very big, but also has the right to touristic city in need of a lot of people so that he always finds something .. I have also Romanians ... I'm not a person who loves to fight, but Bulgarians are horrible people .. they are really rude ... A said Jamaicans were ok but really it's there when yellow ants .. They work at Mc Donald's and Wallmartt after 17 hours a day, believe it or not .. I Imo anecdote that gives me another Jamaican woman envelope with key accounts instead (percent of our job was to rent the keys to the cabinets) and says that you need to open the chest on what she asks again in two or three times if he was sure and he said ma just you go and open .. I came across a woman's supervisor and told him .. and then when the supervisor came to my drug is not remembered at all is not this woman did not even envelopes that he said to me it was so much evil as he began to lose sense of lack of sleep and a lot of work ... I is not messing around with this woman, I know since it was just down in the dumps about it for days .. it's really unreal what is the motivation for some people ... the second job will certainly find just need to be persistent because the workers everywhere are changing and you practically go in search as soon as you are free again and again and always opens a position ... The town is very small .. With one end of the 45 foot .. Is it full of clubs, cafes, restaurants, fast food .. And of course the theme parks that has made this place ... Nightlife is as good as I've seen since I personally do not I go out, and it is interesting as virtually every traffic cop after midnight due parties so that you are really safe and really has them on every corner ... They are stopping people for lights on a bicycle and any nonsense .. Just take care of the small town is and the crime rate 0 what we believe is important to everyone .. WT students all ride bicycles, because you'll need when you go to another job in order to reach the 2 rather than 20 minutes what means a lot because of the murder of more than due time ... Air is to freeze .. It is simply ridiculous to bass in this town are one of the largest parks in the world :) When it is the largest sun does not go over 35 degrees, maybe once, but it is rarely .. The season is short from the beginning of June until the beginning of September .. In May and September, after only 10-15 degrees .. and annoyed me because I am in the morning when you get out of the house had to wear a sweater with you, and then it warms me .. But the real temperature during the night but I think no more about 10 degrees .. so brothers jacket: D I do not know what's so cold .. Maybe what's on the border with Canada, but I froze ..
- Neutralno
- Ognjen Vasiljevic
- Celo iskustvo
Chula Vista, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, GPA
8 years agoChula Vista je zabavni park pored same reke Wisconsin. U parku rade samo stranici tako da sam imao priliku da upoznam puno istocno evropljana... Drugi posao sam nasao u samom parku a i grad mi je bio na pola sata vožnje, gde ima par klubova i kafica koju su mi bili skroz ok.
- Pozitivno
- Milan
- Celo iskustvo
It's a small town , usually is full on weekends because there are plenty of aqua parks so people come, on weekdays is a little emptier . It's filled with students , you always have someone to mess around and have a drink . There are a couple of clubs in the region , plenty of restaurants and a large outlet mall.
- Pozitivno
- Jelena M
- Celo iskustvo
Mt. Olympus, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, AYUSA
8 years agoA little town with about 2,000 inhabitants . In winter dead village summer madness for fans of entertainment / aqua parks .
- Pozitivno
- Aleksandar V.
- Celo iskustvo
Mt. Olympus Resorts, Wisconsin Dells, AYUSA
13 years agoMesto kao mesto je jako malo, uglavnom turisticko mesto.... Vodeni i tematski parkovi su glavna sfera interesovanja turista u ovom mestu.
- Pozitivno
- Jugi
- Celo iskustvo
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