Galleria Galleria, San Diego Kalifornija, GPA
8 years agoSan Diego je po meni najlepsi grad u SAD ja sam radila kod rodjaka i zivela kod njih pa nisam imala potrebe za drugim poslom!
- Neutralno
- Sandra Sestic
- Celo iskustvo
La Valencia Hotel, San Diego, California, Matico
8 years agoThe city is cool but not for J1 students. The accommodation is expensive, a second job is a little harder to find outside Downtown or part of town called Pacific Beach because of the large number of Mexicans who are there cheap labor force and generally pick up all the jobs that none of the Americans will not work . I have applied to more than 20-30 places and only at 2 I was invited to an interview . At once I got the job Busser , but I had to refuse because the restaurant began its work on 17 September ! There are a lot of events in the city during the summer, on the half hour are Tijuana in Mexico, LA at 2h , 1h by plane to Vegas . Mile-long beach , etc . Monthly transportation tickets are $ 72, with a bicycle can easily go everywhere. In the end, I'm not sure if I would recommend anyone to come here to work . Any other reason is ok . Who wants to come here, i would recomend to seek for a job or in the center or at the Pacific Beach.
- Negativno
- manconi
- Celo iskustvo
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Surf Style Retail Management , Destin Fl, ALLIANCE
Pay is minimun just 9$ per hour, wich is bad, if you are good and they like you they will give you overtime, schedules on summer sucks plus it is a flasher schedule every week, so it reduces the chanc...
Katherine canela
Dominican Republic
Feb 17, 2020 Celo iskustvo
Forest Suites Resort, South Lake Tahoe, Karavan Travel
Odnos sa menadzerom he skroz korektan, na pocetku sam dobijala dosta sati I prekovremenog, medjutim kako je dolazilo vise J1 studenata, dobijala sam manje dana. Pa je neophodno naci drugi posao. Organ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Feb 14, 2020 Celo iskustvo
Big Bear motel, Cody, Wyoming, Karavan Travel
Satnica 9.50 $, sati 35-40 , smještaj 20$ Poslodavci,odakle krenuti... Od dolaska u Cody pa do odlaska iz Cody-a 4 mjeseca kasnije, poslodavci su nam nametnuli jak tempo. Radi se svaki dan bez prava...
Desimir Kovačević
Feb 7, 2020 Celo iskustvo
Sun Valley resort, Idaho, Karavan Travel
Ljudi na ovom mjestu su vrlo susretljivi, i pomoci ce vam u svakom trenutku. Ako svoj posao budete obavljali odgovorno, imacete maksimalno postovanje i naravno vecu zaradu
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jan 24, 2020 Celo iskustvo