Additional work should not have to look because I had enough hours ( minimum 40 ) . The salary was $ 7.5 per hour but since I'm here and there I had a lot of waitressing tips ... The restaurant offers a true international accommodation in a house next to the restaurant or at nearby restaurants , rent is $ 100 a week . The restaurant is right on the beach , nature is beautiful but it is a very small place . Car or bike greatly help since the bus ride is certainly just not as it should .. But the restaurant for hill people and all of you are a generation and you can always ask someone to throw you somewhere since we all have cars ..
- Neutralno
- Lara Kapović
- Celo iskustvo
Shaw’s, Wakefield-Narragansett, Ayusa
8 years agoMesto je malo i odlicno ako neko zeli da se odmori. Ne postoje nocni klibovi i kafici. Postoje par restorana gde vikendom moze da se izadje- Wheel House i Georges of Galilee. Vrlo je tesko naci smestaj jer jenu tom periodu turisticka sezona i niko ne zeli da izda na duze. Drugi posao se moze naci vrlo lako ali uglavnom i restoranima brze hran (mek, five guys, wheel house,...).
- Pozitivno
- Marko
- Celo iskustvo
Second job I didn't have because I had enough hours (minimum 40 ) . The salary was $ 7.5 per hour but I had a lot of tips because I worked like server ... The restaurant offers a accommodation for internationals in a house next to the restaurant or at nearby restaurants , rent is $ 100 a week. The restaurant is right on the beach , nature is beautiful but it is a very small place. Car or bike greatly assisted since the bus ride is certainly just not as it should .. But the restaurant for the hill people and all generations and let you can always ask someone to throw you somewhere since they all have cars ..
- Neutralno
- Lara Kapović
- Celo iskustvo
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