Grade 10. If you know to have fun and work at the same time.
- Pozitivno
- Dorian
- Celo iskustvo
Gatlinburg TN is a nice place to visit. Friendly and open people. The second job can be found.
- Pozitivno
- Georgiana Adina Diaconu
- Celo iskustvo
I was in Gatlinburg, Tennesse. It is a beautiful town / mountain resort. Nature, beautiful landscapes ... The part that's not so beautiful is that wherever you go, you need the car ... everything is at the time ... walmart etc ... Otherwise it was great.
- Pozitivno
- Adelina Dragomir
- Celo iskustvo
I was in Gatlinburg, Tennesse. The location is beautiful, national park, but there are chances to meet the bear on the street, considering it is a mountain resort there should be car rentals, but they are not, the closest being at 30-40 min with car. Walmart equally, 30 minutes by car. The place is limited from this point of view.
- Pozitivno
- Loredana Claudia Sighet
- Celo iskustvo
Gatlinburg is a beautiful town, full of J1 students (there are many Romanians). It has many parks, restaurants, clubs, great fun park ... Whoever wants to work extra can easily find second job ...
- Pozitivno
- Alexandru Dragusi
- Celo iskustvo
Texas roadhouse, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Inspirit
7 years agoGatlinburg je jedno malo planinsko mesto sa prelepom prirodom. Zato sto je malo lako se ljudi snadju i sve je na dohvat ruke. Posla na sve strane.
- Pozitivno
- Mihajlo
- Celo iskustvo
Texas Roadhouse, Gatlinburg, TN, Ideas
8 years agoPlaninsko odmaralište u konzervativnom i ruralnom delu USA. Mirno mesto za porodični odmor, bez velikog izbora mesta za noćni život i provod. Drugi posao se može naći ali se satnice uglavnom kreću oko 7.5 $
- Neutralno
- Aleksandra Vasić
- Celo iskustvo
Westgate Resort, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Ideas
8 years ago- Pozitivno
- Dog
- Celo iskustvo
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