The Fudgery

  • Ocena: N/A
  • Iskustva: 5










  • I love the work and the managers. They are so awesome and they guide us in work. They taught me on how to become a responsible employer.

  • My experience with employers is very positive. The first day I had very nice welcome and placed in the house in Duck where I was working. They led me to the whole job and were extremely patient, responsive and compliant. I have no objections, and that is the best experience I have ever had. I lived and worked with 8 girls from different countries and employers did everything to feel good and comfortable. If someone wants to work in Fudgery and if have that chance, I definitely give green light because you will not make a mistake. The names of the managers are John and Matia that you know exactly who I am and I could not go to America.

  • Hourly: 8$ Hours per week: 35 Average tip (weekly): / Managers Ivana and Matija are horrible people who lose a maximum exploiting unprotected students. At the end of the season firing people for no reason in order to retain a deposit for a house and bonuses that students earn during the summer. By his own admission deliberately employ more J1 students who rarely welcome the end of his contract. And of course the same day you were laid off have to leave the house, although of course you do not have where to go. PLEASE do not let STUDENTS IN Fudgery because bad experiences are repeated from year to year.

  • Satnica:8-14 Broj sati nedeljno:45-84 Prosek napojnica(sedmično): 45$ Prepodne uglavnom pravite kornete ili neke slatkise, sto je zanimljivo jer vam dopustaju da ih sami ukrasavate i igrate se. Prodaje se fudge (vrsta njihovog slatkisa), sladoled, i slatkisi koje ste vi napravili :) Kada god se umorite mozete otici ispred i samo pozivati, sa osmehom naravno, ljude da udju i probaju fudge. Morate biti spremni da stojite ceo dan i smeskate se, ali zaista nije tesko jer uvek ima vise ljudi u radnji, uvek se neko sali, zanimljivo je, ljudi su prijatni, meni licno dani su leteli. Jos jedna pozitivna stvar je sto menadzeri pricaju isti jezik kao i mi, tako da ako nesto nikako ne razumete oni ce vam uvek pomoci. Ukoliko se pokazete kao dobar radnik imacete puno radno vreme. Sve je na vama :) U radnji se nalazi i cuveno zvonce koje kada neko udari svi pevamo neku pesmu, sto ume da bude urnebesno :) svi pevaju, neki se naravno i deru :D Amerikanci vole da se zabavljaju tako da nije nista cudno ako cela porodica krene da vam djuska u radnji :)

  • Hourly: 8$ Number of hours per week : 32 Average tip : / Tips are not allowed

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