Satnica:$3.63 Broj sati nedeljno:30 Prosek napojnica: $40 Opis poslodavca: Od ovog hotela radnu ponudu nemojte da prihvatate! Ljudi su izuzetno negativni, a obezbedjen smestaj gori od kasarne! Imala sam izuzetno lose iskustvo sa sefom obezbedjenja jer sam se zalila na hranu u kantini za zaposlene i na kraju dobila otkaz zbog te zalbe! Sve najgore za ovo mesto
- Negativno
- Renata B.
- Celo iskustvo
Wage per hour: 8.25 Hours per week: 32-35 Average tips: Bad sides of this hotel and in particular of this working position are: - Steal hours - Managers are good only when you need to get the job done at all costs if you need something not too interested in that particular .. One night i puked all night (a few of us vomited because of the bad food), and tomorrow I had to work like I'm completely okay .. - Accommodation that is provided is pretty bad, even if you have no luck with roommates who are assigned to you can be quite nasty BUT: D If you have good will and if you want to socialize, have a wonderful life experience, meet many good people, friends you will not bother none of the above. Other job positions in this hotel are much better, not too physically exhausting and difficult, director of human resources is totally great, about everything you can reach an agreement with her if you have a problem with some of the managers. If nothing else, two meals are provided a day, which paid $ 2, which is quite a bargain must admit. I was happy when I can eat anything cooked, or at least thermally prepared because the food is definitely not the happiest thing in America. Homes are not the brightest, but the cheapest! In the rooms are 4 people, two rooms share one bathroom. Concider that you do not need to use transport to work. And the best thing, the students who work at the hotel. Excellent team, excellent jointly carried out, a lot of positive people .. Definitely the best experience so far.
- Neutralno
- Dragana Djokic
- Celo iskustvo
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