Odlicno, sve su ispostovali.
- Pozitivno
- Tamara
- Celo iskustvo
Hours 9.5 $ Number of hours per week: 36- 63 h average tip (week): / The pool was great (large apartment buildings as a hotel, 5 *) and the number of hours that i had was great because there were interior and exterior pools, indoor worked all day 5: 30-21: 00 and the outer 10-21: 00h. It's a little hard but you can hold on to. I have worked for 4 days and been fre for 3 (to you 45-50h) OR in these 3 days I needed to be free but I was always called by my supervisor to work in other pools. So I had a lot of hours. So for another job I had no need or a time. Immediately to say to all of you not to get infatuated that you're gonna buy a BMW when you return. If your goal is BMW then you have to work two jobs and to take care of every dollar, because company is limiting you how much you are going to work (required for them is to provide you with 40h regular time and give you 5-10h max overtime). Why? Because it is not worth for them to give you many hours after their higher price. Hours 9.5 $ Number of hours per week: 36- 63 h average tip (week): / The pool was my top (large apartment buildings as a hotel, 5 *) and the number of hours I was top for interior and exterior pools, indoor worked all day 5: 30-21: 00 and the outer 10-21: 00h. It's a little hard or hold on to. 4 days ago I worked 3 was free (to you 45-50h) OR in these 3 days I needed to be free always called me his supervisor to work in other pools. So I had a lot of hours. So for another job I had no need for a time. Immediately that you all say that they are not maddening that you buy a BMW when you return. But if your BMW goal then you have to work two jobs to make sure that every dollar, JER-company you limit how much you work (required them to provide you with 40h regular time and give you 5-10h max overtime). Why? Because they are not worth it to give you many hours at their higher price. In any case, it was great, I would recommend everyone to go to see and to feel what it's like when you're alone in the world (to make you tougher).
- Pozitivno
- Mirko Petrovic
- Celo iskustvo
Satnica:9,5 $ Broj sati nedeljno:36- 63 h Prosek napojnica(sedmično): / Bazen mi je bio top(velika zgrada sa apartmanima kao hotel,5*) i broj sati mi je bilo vrhunski zbog unutrašnjeg i spoljašnjeg bazena, unutrašnji je radio ceo dan 5:30-21:00 a spoljašnji 10-21:00h. Malo je naporno ali izdrzi se. 4 dana sam radio 3 bio slobodan(to vam je 45-50h) ALI u ova 3 dana što sam trebao da budem slobodan uvek me je zvao supervizor da mu radim na drugim bazenima. Tako da sam imao dosta sati. Tako da za drugi posao nisam imao potrebu a ni vremena. Odmah da Vam svima kažem da se ne zaludjujete da ćete kupiti BMW kad se vratite. Ali ako vam je BMW cilj onda morate da radite dva posla i da pazite na svaki dolar, JER-kompanija vas ogranicava koliko ćete raditi(obavezno im je da Vam obezbede 40h regular time i daće vam 5-10h max overtime). Zašto? Zato što se njima ne isplati da vama daju mnogo sati po njima skupljoj ceni. U svakom slučaju bilo je super, preporučio bih svima da odu, da vide i da osete kako je to kad ste sami u svetu (da očvrsne te).
- Pozitivno
- Mirko Petrovic
- Celo iskustvo
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