Fudgery, Kill Devil Hills NC, Ccusa
7 years agoDo not go there. Unless you want to be constantly downgraded by the managers (Ivana and Matija) and J1 students who think they are better than you. You work for 8 hours, without pause (which is illegal) Stand on your feet and sell fudge. If you accidentally have no smile on your face (after 8 hours of work), you will be fired. What is their goal - to collect money from the deposit for your apartment and your bonuses. Prepare to be their 'dolls on the leashes' without the right to vote or any agreement. They simply want you to be in fear, desperate, helpless (constantly threatened with taking a visa), that's one of the reasons because they work with J1 students. If you accidentally go there, learn your rights and do not be afraid to contact the agency.
- Negativno
- Natasa Hunjadi
- Celo iskustvo
Satnica:8$ Broj sati nedeljno:50 Prosek napojnica: Kuvanje i pravljenje popularne americke cokolade na starinski nacin. Nema baksisa, ali je placen prekovremeni i imaju se bonusi na osnovu zarade radnje za pojedinacne dane.
- Pozitivno
- Vukasin
- Celo iskustvo
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Surf Style Retail Management , Destin Fl, ALLIANCE
Pay is minimun just 9$ per hour, wich is bad, if you are good and they like you they will give you overtime, schedules on summer sucks plus it is a flasher schedule every week, so it reduces the chanc...
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Dominican Republic
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
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