Ocena: N/A
Iskustva: 4
French Lick, French Lick, IN, GTS
6 years agoThe French Lick people were very receptive and offered us all the conditions.
- Pozitivno
- Vucichi Andreea
- Celo iskustvo
French Lick Resort, Frech Lick, Indiana, GTS
6 years agoWe had understanding and good communication. The employer also allowed us over-time and were paid as much as possible.
- Pozitivno
- Zamfir Bianca
- Celo iskustvo
French Lick resort, French Lick, IN, GTS
6 years agoI have no words about the employer from the USA, it was beyond my expectations. I did housekeeping. I recommend to everyone.
- Pozitivno
- Iulia Cosmina Paraipan
- Celo iskustvo
French Lick Resort, French Lick, IN, GTS
6 years agoThe employer in America is very good, (French Lick Resort and Casino) helped me to adapt and the locals are extremely friendly. I worked as busser, busser helper and housekeeper.
- Pozitivno
- Nina Handuca
- Celo iskustvo
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Najnovija iskustva
Surf Style Retail Management , Destin Fl, ALLIANCE
Pay is minimun just 9$ per hour, wich is bad, if you are good and they like you they will give you overtime, schedules on summer sucks plus it is a flasher schedule every week, so it reduces the chanc...
Katherine canela
Dominican Republic
Feb 17, 2020 Celo iskustvo
Forest Suites Resort, South Lake Tahoe, Karavan Travel
Odnos sa menadzerom he skroz korektan, na pocetku sam dobijala dosta sati I prekovremenog, medjutim kako je dolazilo vise J1 studenata, dobijala sam manje dana. Pa je neophodno naci drugi posao. Organ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Feb 14, 2020 Celo iskustvo
Big Bear motel, Cody, Wyoming, Karavan Travel
Satnica 9.50 $, sati 35-40 , smještaj 20$ Poslodavci,odakle krenuti... Od dolaska u Cody pa do odlaska iz Cody-a 4 mjeseca kasnije, poslodavci su nam nametnuli jak tempo. Radi se svaki dan bez prava...
Desimir Kovačević
Feb 7, 2020 Celo iskustvo
Sun Valley resort, Idaho, Karavan Travel
Ljudi na ovom mjestu su vrlo susretljivi, i pomoci ce vam u svakom trenutku. Ako svoj posao budete obavljali odgovorno, imacete maksimalno postovanje i naravno vecu zaradu
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jan 24, 2020 Celo iskustvo