Denali national park

  • Ocena: N/A
  • Iskustva: 13










  • Hourly: 9.50 $ Number of hours per week: 40 Average tip 7 $ I worked in the restaurant, mainly helps the waiter and we had some other side of Job takop to say where we are sometimes cleaned the restaurant but not much strenuous

  • Hourly: $ 8.5 Hours per week: 40 Average tip 5 $ I have personally a slight misunderstanding with the employer in the beginning, but later it all was okay, I worked on a lot of positions in the national park, but the primary was my busser

  • Hourly: 8 Hours per week: 35-50 Average tips: Great job, without any pressure, in essence laundry that is uniform and linen, gets the bonus check at the end of which was around a week's salary.

  • Hourly: $ 8.5 Hours per week: 35-45 Average tips: Chopping and preparing sauces and similar foods, kitchen work is not difficult, although little monotonous.

  • Hourly: 11.90 Number of hours per week: 40 Description Employer: super job, maybe a little heavier than some physical work in a restaurant or better paid, there are plenty of overtime!

  • Hourly: 8.67 Number of hours per week: 40 Average tip: Preparing food in the restaurant kitchen

  • Hours: 8.00 $ Number of hours per week: 35-65 Average tip: it all depends on how much leave guests in hotel housekeeper but not much It is a good employer and manager really appreciates the efforts and work and respects students from Serbia because they are hard workers but gives a higher hourly rate and better shifts good radnicima..cak we get a bonus of $ 400 at the end as a reward for good work ... naturally overtime additionally pays and I think about $ 12 per hour.

  • Satnica:8$ Broj sati nedeljno:35-60 Prosek napojnica: 3$ Lagan posao i predvidjen je za devojke ,mada ga radi i dosta muskaraca,glavna zaduzenja su :ciscenje soba i kupatila u sobama zamena posteljine i kraju se dobija bonus cek od poslodavca u iznosu otprilike nedeljne zarade

  • Satnica:8 Broj sati nedeljno:50 Prosek napojnica: 6 imali smo brdo sati nedeljno posto je u ugovoru cini mi se bilio predvidjeno 36 ali mi nismo imali ispod 50-60 nedeljno i taj overtime je bio extra placen,a posao je standardan znaci ciscenje soba,menjanje posteljine i ciscenje kupatila itd...

  • Hourly: 7.75$ Number of hours per week : 32 Average tip : 6 Very good job getting the tips and is well paid and shifts are such that it can be done and another job

  • Satnica:8.00 Broj sati nedeljno:40 Prosek napojnica: 4 Sredjivanje soba

  • Satnica:9 Broj sati nedeljno:40 spremanje soba,i menjanje posteljine,takodje postoji overtime

  • Satnica:9.50$ Broj sati nedeljno:40 Prosek napojnica: 5 pa radio sam kao busser u restoranu kao glavni posao,to je bukvalno pomocni radnik uz konobara koji mu pomaze da posluzi musterije i donesi im porudzbine

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