Airport International Inn, Williston, Inspirit

Iskustvo sa agencijom Inspirit je bilo pozitivno.
Everything they promised before I go to America is met, I stumbled upon something there that I did not advance presented to ...

Iskustvo sa lokacijom Williston, ND je bilo pozitivno.
A second job can be very easy to find , nightlife is not high but it can always find a pub , but the air is virtually the same as in Serbia.

Iskustvo sa poslodavcem Airport International Inn je bilo pozitivno.
$ 9.33 / hour , 80 per week Job Description: awakening at 8 , the first job moving at 9, move to another job without a break in 5 pm , finishing with job at 2, sleeping at 3 Bosko B.

Ovo iskustvo predstavlja subjektivno misljenje korisnika Bosko B. koji je bio ucesnik Work & Travel programa godine 2012. preko agencije Inspirit, posao kod poslodavca Airport International Inn u Williston, ND.

Jul 15, 2016