Corsair Resort motel INC, Dennis Port, MA, Student Travel

Experience with agency Student Travel was positive.
I was very pleased with the services provided by Student Travel. The girls are very serious, they were available at any time. They helped with the files, the visa...

Experience with location Dennis Port, MA was positive.
Very nice. Tourist town, I have made friendships in all areas. Easily find second job... Mediterranean climate ...

Experience with employer Corsair Resort motel INC was positive.
Employers were correct, they behaved super with us. I had the impression of knowing a lifetime. I had enough hours, everything was superb.

This review represents personal opinion of Felicia Godoroja who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2017 with agency Student Travel, working at Corsair Resort motel INC in Dennis Port, MA.

Oct 24, 2018