Santa Cruz Seaside Company

  • Rating: N/A
  • Reviews: 4










  • Angajatorul din SUA (Santa Cruz Seaside Company) au fost foarte primitori si job-ul a fost distractiv. Am lucrat intr-un parc de distractie. Eram pe acelasi post timp de 2 veri.

  • Am avut 2 angajatori , primul a fost intr-un parc de distract ca ride operater am lucrat si am fost superb iar cel de al doilea a fost intr un hotel ca room service in care am avut foarte multe de invatat de la angajatorul nostru de exemplu cum se lucreaza im echipa si mai mult de atata ne a oferit o vacanta de doua zile in San Francisco .

  • Despre angajatorul din SUA, Santa Cruz Seaside Company, mai precis parcul de distractie Beach Boardwalk am numai cuvinte de lauda. Nu am avut nuci cea mai mica problema, totul a fost exact asa cum s-a stabilit in prealabile, am muncit cu drag, m-am distrat maxim pe tot parcursul programului, am fost si rasplatita pentru efortul depus nu numai cu salariu prestabilit, ci si cu alte premii (in banuti haha).

  • Hours: 8.25 Number of hours per week: 30 Average tips: 0 As far as the job I got a ride operator position-which they are awarded. And besides there are positions: game operator, and work in fast food. Overall, I'm not happy because I had a small number of working hours, the salary is small, but I got a raise of 25 cents. So it's not a place where you can earn good. I worked for three months, of which only paid accommodation and barely cover the program that I paid. So without second job you can not buy even food. The job is easy, indeed, have good training and this would be recommended to people aged 16-18. Accommodation is very close, which is an advantage. In the vicinity there are tourist shops, restaurants, motels, which may be potential to find another errand. It is best to look for a job at a restaurant because there is greater chance of tips. There are plenty of shops in the center, but I think it is harder to get a job here. It is not easy to find another job because there so many restaurants and so on., But who is persistent will find.

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