Weekapaug Inn,Westerly, RI, Karavan Travel
Experience with agency Karavan Travel was neutral.
Experience with the agency was not bad, but we did not give accurate information about my position. Everything else was ok.
Experience with location Westerly, RI was positive.
Westerly is a small town on the shore of the ocean with excellent climate. A second job can be found in the center, which is about 5 km from the beach or in the bars on the beach. Finding another job is not a problem, just need to be persistent.
Experience with employer Weekapaug Inn
was positive.
Hourly 8 $ Number of hours per week: 35 Average tip is 50 $ per month
The job is not difficult, it is important that all the pool looks neat. Bring me a couple of towels and parasols, and that's it. The problem with this position is the salary when they refuse $ 100 per week for accommodation and when I send you home if it rains, you do not leave almost nothing (there have been instances of people getting a check in the red). Therefore, managers need to constantly bother to give you the additional hours, or you change position, which they will do so only if you are persistent enough.
This review represents personal opinion of DC who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2013 with agency Karavan Travel, working at Weekapaug Inn in Westerly, RI.
Jul 28, 2016