Surf Style Retail Management , Destin Fl, ALLIANCE
Experience with agency Alliance was negative.
HORRIBLE, They leave us without housing, but they helped with everything else.
Experience with location Destin, FL was positive.
Amazing place, a lot of restaurant and things to do, water park Bikhunas, The Track. and the cutest beaches ever, a lot of malls and in general a good place to stay. You have a lot of chance to get a second job in Destin.
Experience with employer Surf Style Retail Management
was negative.
Pay is minimun just 9$ per hour, wich is bad, if you are good and they like you they will give you overtime, schedules on summer sucks plus it is a flasher schedule every week, so it reduces the chance to get a second job which is really bad if you want to make some money, managers are so mean,the job is easy but the people is awful, if they like you it will be a little bit better for you but i do not recommend this place to work as a J1 student.
This review represents personal opinion of Katherine canela who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2018 with agency Alliance, working at Surf Style Retail Management in Destin, FL.
Feb 17, 2020