Continental Pools, Rockville, Work Abroad

Experience with agency Work Abroad was positive.
Recommendations for work.

Experience with location Rockville, MD was positive.
Can easily find a second job . Nightlife in Rockville is nothing special, but it is super in Washington , which is half an hour by subway . The climate is totally ok . As far as accommodation is concerned, the company has provided us with furnished apartments - quality ok , high price (98 $ per week).

Experience with employer Continental Pools was neutral.
$ 7.25 per hour, overtime , about $ 11 a week is about 55 hours ( 15 overtime ) . Job Description: Job rescuer : cycling to swimming pools, arranging and opening the pool then you can chill , sitting and resting until someone starts to drowning ( I'm kidding , there is not ) :)

This review represents personal opinion of Aleksandar who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2012 with agency Work Abroad, working at Continental Pools in Rockville, MD.

Jul 15, 2016